Our Other Services

We are currently focusing our efforts and time on ReferSWFL.com.  However, we do have other projects right around the corner and if you are interested in any of them now we can get you setup in them before we are ready to launch them.  Plus, it wouldn’t hurt us to have a few testimonials from satisfied customers to show our potential customers.

The Apple Pass System that we use for ReferSWFL.com can also be used for several other marketing services.  We can set them up to be used as Punch Cards / Loyalty Cards, “mobile wallet” business cards, “mobile wallet” coupon cards, digital event tickets and more.

One of our upcoming projects is SWFLKiosks.com.  We are currently finishing up the software that will allow local SWFL businesses a chance to build up a customer database by placing kiosks (tablets) in their locations.  These kiosks will offer different games and contests that will give you customers a chance to win prizes of your choice.  Some of the included games are random draws, scratch and win tickets, slot machines and spin to win.  More games may be added after the launch.  Customers will be required to enter their mobile phone numbers for a chance to play and win.  This will build your customer database and allow you to continue to market to them at a VERY LOW COST!

Visit www.SWFLKiosks.com for more information.

We are also launching SWFL Mobile Coupons soon.  Used in conjunction with our other services these Mobile Coupons are the latest in cutting edge mobile phone technology.  This one is a little farther away because of the coding required to work on all of the different types of mobile phones that are out there.

Visit www.SWFLMobileCoupons.com for more information!

Text Marketing is one the most powerful forms of advertising.  Hardly anyone reads emails anymore, ad blockers and “banner blindness” have kind of made online banner advertising less popular, newspaper readership is down, hard to say how popular radio advertising is, BUT EVERYONE READS THEIR TEXTS, ALMOST INSTANTLY!

If you want to setup a Text Marketing Program for your business check out www.TextSWFL.com or our national site www.TextGeek.com.

This website is owned and operated by Graves Enterprises of Fort Myers, FL.
Graves Enterprises is a 100% Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB).